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"The countdown to doomsday"

ISBN 3-901921-03-6 


What is there about this magical point in time, the year 2000?
Sepp Rothwangl literally takes the time to explore this question. By taking his time - something which the reader definitely should do - the author considers a broad range of phenomena. From the nature of numbers to astronomy and calendar time, Mr. Rothwangl finds a surprising correlation between calendars and the curious fall of the Mayan culture. Using a golden leitmotif, the reader is led through the history and mythology of calendar, time and astronomy from the beginning of ancient world right up to the magical year 2000. A short glossary in the appendix explains astronomical jargon and provides an overview of the world�s myths. The reader is playfully invited to work with the book to transport himself / herself back in time to past turns of the eras. In this way it is possible to better understand how astronomy was born through the appearance of a North Star and how the discovery of the regularity of the stars gave birth to a cult of heavens. This cult projected the gods to the heavens and has legitimized to this day the power and influence of religions. Peter Rosegger, favorite son of Alpl and Styrian poet, knew of the "Teufelstein", the Devil�s Rock, a well-preserved prehistoric calendar rock. Its existence was reason enough for the author, himself, like Rosegger, a farmer in the woods, to begin studying archaeoastronomy as a young man, becoming an expert in the field of calendars. The book takes the reader on a journey from the "Teufelstein" in Styria to the pyramids and Persepolis, through the solar system to the Star of David and the Star of Bethlehem and into the philosophy of ancient Greeks. Along the way, Rothwangl shows parallels in the myths and fairy tales all over the world, escorting the reader right up to the month of May in the year 2000. This Great Moment (Star Attraction) in May 2000 marks the end of the Christian Age of Pisces and the beginning of the Age of Aquarius based on the human calendar tradition. This is the day on which all of the gods of the heavens mentioned in the ancient mythical cult of heavens will meet again. It�s up to humankind whether these gods will remain in the heavens or whether they will venture back to earth. This will be the Last Day of the old age and the Day of Judgment and first day of the new age and calendar, a time for the birth of new myths and the understanding of previous ones, and another step in mankind's own journey to the stars. An exceptional calendar provides the reader with an exciting opportunity to count down the time to this magical year of Star Attraction.

230 pages, 85 Pics , ATS 298.- EURO 21,66
Edition Styria Print Graz, Kleistgasse 73.
ISBN 3-901921-03-6

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Doz. Dr. Ernst Goebel, from the Institute of Astronomy at the University of Vienna wrote:

�Sternstunde 2000. Der Countdown zum J�ngsten Tag" ISBN 3-901921-03-6 (�Star Ploting 2000. �The countdown to Last Day or Doomsday) by Sepp Rothwangl offers us a wonderful gathering of mythology and natural science about the magical thoughts of various cultures up until to the intellectual movements and philosophies of our time. It is self evident, that there are subjective meanings contained within, however it is obvious that unlike previous efforts which have often given apodictic or sectarian viewpoints, the reader is given plenty of room for personal ideas. The book is not only comprehensible to the novice in astronomy and mythology, but is also enjoyable and exciting, and can only benefit one.

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